The holidays and Easter festivities are all over. The last of the summer heat is fading fast and it is time for winter woollies…and finding a sunny spot on a lazy Sunday afternoon. I am not a fan of winter and chilly evenings but I suppose it’s like good and evil. The one cannot exist without the other and you have to have the one to appreciate the other.
The same goes for a beautiful skin; it is only as one ages that you appreciate the smooth, plump skin of your youth and search for treatments that will help recapture that youthful look we all strive to maintain for as long as possible. At Skin Renewal clinics they know exactly how to help. By removing some of the tired looking skin, new collagen growth is stimulated and this slows down the ageing process which allows us to have a healthier looking skin for a lot longer. Stimulating the skin to repair itself and to increase collagen production is a much safer way of looking younger than resorting to cosmetic surgery and all the risks associated with many of the available treatments.
Research has shown that when these treatments are done on younger skin, it can slow down the ageing process significantly, but even on older skin, the results are quite amazing.
Pearl™ Rejuvenation
Pearl™ Rejuvenation offers an effective treatment to address fine lines, uneven texture and discoloration. The effect is visible after only one treatment. It is a minimally invasive procedure which treats these problems and helps the body to replace sun-damaged, discoloured ageing skin, with more even toned, healthy and youthful- looking skin.
The treatment takes about 20 minutes to administer as a result of the revolutionary scanning device which treats the top layer with light pulses in a pre-selected pattern while at the same time the laser sends heat to the deeper layers of the skin to provide longer term benefits.
The most common areas of treatment are the face and neck, and the feeling after treatment is that of having sunburn, but only lasts for a day or so. By day three to four the skin will peel or slough off, revealing a new you. Looking younger, fresher and all that without cosmetic surgery!
This treatment can also be combined with other aesthetic treatments and can be used to increase the results of Photodynamic Therapy, Photo Rejuvenation and 3D Skin Rejuvenation™.
Just remember to stay out of the sun before treatment and to remember the sunblock afterwards!
Pearl™ Fractional
Pearl™ Fractional has been designed to improve ageing, wrinkles, scarring and sun damage. The fractional describes the tiny holes that the laser makes into the skin which removes sun damaged tissue and stimulates fresh collagen production; only a fraction or small part of the skin is being treated and the laser pulses treat damaged cells deep in the skin.
In contrast to other more aggressive laser peels the ‘social’ downtime with Pearl Laser treatment is only about five days and either the whole face or only specific areas can be treated. Healing time is shortened and only one treatment is usually required. For more severe scarring or sun damage, more treatments may be necessary.
The eye area, including the top lid for non-surgical eye rejuvenation and the mouth area which treats wrinkles accumulated over time from repetitive habits such as smoking or chewing gum are popular treatment areas.
This treatment offers the best of both: where the Pearl rejuvenation improves pigment texture, pore size and fine lines and the Pearl Fractional provides ablative treatment for deep wrinkles and sun damage where necessary. Together they provide for deep and full coverage and renewal which no other technology can deliver in a single treatment with such good results.
Good sun protection should be a part of everybody’s daily skin care routine, but extra care must be taken in applying and re-applying SPF daily for at least six weeks after having Pearl™ Fusion; the results are however well worth it and continue to improve over the next six months.
My advice to beat the winter blues and hating the mirror would be to take a few days off work, have the Pearl Rejuvenation treatment and when you get back to the grindstone, people will ask where on earth you went for a holiday that made you look so rested after only a few days away.