Even though the start of 2021 was not met by the same enthusiasm usually reserved to mark the beginning of a new year, January is particularly special to our branch, as it is our anniversary month. This year we celebrate a remarkable 12 years of being in business, and we understand that we are only able to celebrate because of you, our loyal customers.

What a difference a year makes. CEO Victor Snyders with the twins after their birth and them at their first birthday.
Turning 50 in human years is no small feat, and therapist Tahren Lombard made sure that her cat, Oreo, knew that it was his special day.

Branch manager Lee-zay van der Merwe and her husband, Brynmor van Merwe announced that they’re expecting a baby boy in June. We are over the moon for them, and wish Lee-zay the best for the remainder of her pregnancy.

The team celebrated the end of a challenging year with pedicures at the Majeka House in Stellenbosch. There is nothing quite like a pamper session to bring everyone together and to appreciate the special moments in life.

To capture the festive spirit, the team joined the nationwide Santa Shoebox Project, by sharing the joy of giving to underprivileged children across South African and Namibia. The branch gathered essential items such as toothbrushes, school supplies, pieces of clothing, and treats to fill three Santa Boxes. We sincerely hope that our boxes made a positive contribution in the lives of the children who received our boxes - 12 year old Chesnika, 6 year old Extra and 3year old Minthando.

Three of our Western Cape doctors, Dr Graham, Dr Dalize and Dr Chrisna were involved in Seaon 6 of MINKI where they participated in informative in-studio discussions and transformed the lives of the participants on-screen. The show has been a highlight and many of our patients mentioned that they enjoyed it thoroughly. If you weren’t able to watch the show, you’re able to view the episodes on Skin Renewal TV.
View the inserts here - Minki Season 6 VIA

Dr Tarryn and Dr Shahra, both who practice at our branch, will also be participating in the upcoming season 7 with Dr Graham, so be sure to watch this space.

This month, Microneedling comes highly recommended. This very popular treatment has multiple benefits and treat conditions such as acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles and uneven skin tone among others. It is ideal to address dull and tired looking skin, and stimulate collagen in the deeper layers of the skin.

We look forward to seeing you in the branch soon, where we remain diligent about our safety protocols to ensure the safety of our staff and customers alike. Should you need assistance with any skin or body related query, we would love to hear from you.
Wishing you the very best for the year ahead!
The Claremont Team