Get to the root
We don’t mean to scare you, but we can’t stress enough how important it is to find the source of any symptoms as it’s the only real way to resolve them. The best way to do this is to make an appointment with a highly skilled functional health practitioner, like those you’ll find at Health Renewal. A functional doctor takes a holistic approach, meaning they consider every factor that influences your wellbeing - from your medical history, family history, lifestyle and headspace. They then resolve any health problems by identifying the source of your symptoms, treating the former in a way that resolves the latter. They also put an emphasis on prevention as opposed to cure but will certainly do everything they can to help you heal should you develop any condition.
Speaking of conditions, the best way to diagnose them is via state of the art diagnostic testing that ranges from blood, saliva, urine and stool testing to iridology analysis. And yes, this is something all our doctors can do.
A bit about blood
When it comes to blood testing, we rely on the experts at the country’s top laboratories, PathCare, Ampath and Lancet. They offer a myriad of tests that give our doctor’s invaluable insights into your health and can help identify anything from a nutritional deficiency to a hormonal imbalance. The latter is often resolved via our preferred bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BIHRT)products. Health Renewal also offers a wide range of world-class nutraceuticals and our doctors can advise on exactly which to take as well as how to take them. It’s vital that patients don’t attempt to self-diagnose through “Doctor Google”. As an example, you might think the fatigue you’re experiencing is caused by anaemia and start taking an unnecessary iron supplement that ends up damaging their kidneys.
But wait, there’s more
Blood tests can be incredibly revealing, but they’re not the only way to help our doctors create a clear picture of your health. As we said, we rely on a wide array of diagnostic tests including saliva, urine and stool samples. Our saliva tests analyse your hormone levels while in an unbound carrier protein state that’s much more sensitive than traditional methods that use a serum base. Lastly, while stool tests are something nobody likes to do, they can help our doctors detect many conditions that don’t just detect the gut. Intestinal dysbiosis, for example, is an imbalance of gut bacteria but, if left unchecked, it can lead to things that are much worse, acute pancreatitis being just one of them. A stool test could also save your life. Our very sensitive M2 Pyruvate Kinase test can pick up on potential colorectal cancer before confirmation by a colonoscopy. There is also Advanced Functional Diagnostic testing done by the Nordic Lab. If you’re to beat the odds, early detection is vital.
The bottom line If you’re tired of feeling sick and tired - or dealing with symptoms that never really resolve - it’s time to make an appointment to see one of the highly skilled functional health practitioners at Health Renewal. They’ll take a holistic approach to your health run cutting edge diagnostic tests to help you get to the bottom of what’s making you ill. They can then treat the cause and help put you back on the path to real wellness. What’s not to love about that?