You’ve probably heard someone say "I almost froze my bum off this winter"
...But have you ever heard of someone freezing their fat off? Well, this can actually be done with a new treatment at Skin Renewal, called Cryolipo Fat Freezing.
The concept of this procedure is to freeze fat cells into crystals which cause the fat cell to be destroyed. Several days after the procedure, the cooled fat cells begin a process called “apoptosis” and begin to shrink. These damaged fat cells are slowly metabolized over several months by our bodies and removed through the liver. You will start seeing results after 4-12 weeks.
The Coccon Cryolipo machine has two applicator heads and can treat two areas at a time, which helps with faster treatment times and it is also more affordable as there are no head disposable costs.
Treatment areas
This is not a procedure for weight loss or for people who are obese. It works best for people who have isolated pockets of resistant fat. The most commonly treated areas are the lower abdomen, the flanks, love handles, saddle bags, bra bulges, back fat, flabby knees and ‘man-boobs’. Depending on the size of the candidate you will need 2-3 sessions every 45 days. Larger areas of fat may require more invasive treatments such as tummy tuck or traditional liposuction.
The procedure
One or two suction and cooling heads are placed on the areas to be treated. The initial feeling when the applicator is applied is that the skin is being pulled intensely into a vacuum. Low temperature (0° C to - 5 °C depending on the thickness of the fat which is measured before the treatment with special callipers), is then applied to the area in a controlled process. It might sting or feel uncomfortable for the first 10 minutes. Thereafter the area feels cold and numb.
The procedure takes one to three hours depending on the amount of areas being treated. When the applicator is removed, the treated fat feels cold and hard to the touch. The therapist then does a manual massage of the treated area which quickly reduces the hardened effect.
Fat is metabolised
Once the cooling procedure is completed, the fat cells are liberated into the lymphatic system and gradually eliminated by the body’s natural metabolic process. Skin isn’t damaged, but subcutaneous fat which is more sensitive to targeted cold, will be destroyed.
To reduce pain associated with the treatment Coccon Cryolipo Fat freezing has incorporated “vibration technology” into the cryotechnology procedure which also facilitates better lymph drainage and leads to better results as compared with other cooling technologies.
The procedure takes one to three hours depending on the amount of areas being treated. When the applicator is removed, the treated fat feels cold and hard to the touch. The therapist then does a manual massage of the treated area which quickly reduces the hardened effect.
Studies showed an average loss of 2 – 3 cm which can be seen after 45 days in the treated area. More than one treatment per area may be needed to achieve the desired result depending on the initial amount of fat to be reduced.
Amount of treatments needed
1 to 3 treatments are needed depending on the thickness of the resistant fat and treatments can be repeated at 45 day intervals. It can be used on all skin types and ages.
Safety and side effects
Cryolipo Fat Freezing is a safer alternative to liposuction and it is a CE approved - FDA Pending procedure which involves cooling fat in pockets to remove resistant fat from the body by natural methods. The goal of Cryolipo is to remodel the shape of the body and improve bulges of resistant fat.
This procedure is considered safe for most patients, although there are certain risks associated with any kind of treatment. After the treatment, there is a mild burning sensation which usually subsides within 10 minutes. Skin may be red for several minutes to several hours. On certain areas bruising may occur which usually resolves after 7 to 14 days.
If the side effects persist for longer than 14 days, you should contact your doctor/ clinic. Some patients have reported mild abdominal cramping the first night after the procedure.
Skin and Body Renewal branches
The Cryolipo Fat Freezing treatment is available at all Skin & Body Renewal branches.
Within 2-3 months you can really turn back the clock and have a great body that will change your opinion about yourself. Unfortunately not in a week, but a bit of patience and perseverance will really be worth the effort. Then you can peel off your clothes and reveal that gorgeous body you’ve been hiding all winter.