A clever person once said that “youth is wasted on the young” and it’s true!
They simply don’t get it and believe that they will never age. Well, we all thought we would escape ageing and be like Peter Pan, didn’t we? Alas, those of us who are over forty have learned that it is not to be, especially when looking into the mirror even with flattering light. Mother Nature and Gravity will get you when you are not looking and although nothing can give you back your youth, there are certain interventions that you can pursue to slow down the decline. The least one can expect, is to look refreshed and wrinkle-free after a good night’s sleep.
Loose skin on the face or body is either the result of genetics or damage caused by environmental pollution, this appearance is not desirable... As we age the skin produces less collagen and elastin, the fibrin layers loosen and become less organised, causing the skin to sag and become thinner. We need to combat this. Unfortunately there is no magical potion that will spirit away loose skin, surgical intervention is a bit drastic, so visiting your Skin and Body Renewal clinic for non-invasive but effective help is a much more practical option.
Loose skin on the face or body is either the result of genetics or damage caused by environmental pollution, this appearance is not desirable... As we age the skin produces less collagen and elastin, the fibrin layers loosen and become less organised, causing the skin to sag and become thinner. We need to combat this. Unfortunately there is no magical potion that will spirit away loose skin, surgical intervention is a bit drastic, so visiting your Skin and Body Renewal clinic for non-invasive but effective help is a much more practical option.
As we age, the small blood vessels under our skin are supplied with less oxygen. This is as a result of environmental stress, cells not regenerating properly and the skin losing elasticity and collagen. By the age of thirty, oxygen levels in the skin drops by about 25% and by age forty it drops by 50%. Although the body gets its oxygen by breathing, pollution and other environmental factors reduce the amount of oxygen available. When the skin is deprived of oxygen, it becomes more prone to ageing, redness and age spots.
Small amounts of CO2 is injected under the skin where sagging is evident, the brain is signalled to provide more oxygen to these areas and as a result the area is rejuvenated. Collagen is produced and over a period of time, skin regenerates with noticeable improvement being visible. Voila! This is the effect we all want. A bit of patience is required but the result is well worth it. It can be done on the face as well as the body where sagging is evident. Carboxytherapy can be done on the face as well as the body where sagging is evident.
Titan Skin Tightening
As we age our skin elasticity declines and, unlike a rubber band, expands and sags. Titan addresses this problem by delivering infrared light deep into the skin where the lazy collagen is located. It heats up the collagen, causing it to thicken and encouraging the body to produce new collagen over a period of time which then gives the skin a tighter and more toned look. It is like waking up the body so it can act youthful again.
3D Skin Rejuvenation
We are always most concerned with our facial complexion as the rest of our being can be hidden by clothing. For this, the 3D Skin Rejuvenation treatment is wonderful and the combination of treatments includes the full face and neck area. There is Titan for skin tightening, microdermabrasion to improve skin texture, Laser Genesis to encourage collagen production, other individualised procedures as needed for specific problems. Great skin products to help skin recovery and rejuvenation are also provided.
Once again, the full effect takes about three months and continues to improve over the next nine months, this is an investment for the future. Our skin is programmed to grow and repair itself, hence when this process slows down with age, this treatment convinces it to regenerate and heal itself.
The latest research has also shown that these treatments should be started in our thirties to prevent ageing.
3D Liquid Facelift
Combining different options for the best non-surgical results is a speciality at Skin and Body Renewal Clinics, the 3D Liquid Facelift combines the use of Botox® and dermal fillers for a more immediate result. Fillers will plump out fine lines and wrinkles and the use of Botox in strategic places will prevent further wrinkles forming, especially when the brow and jaw line starts sagging.
With our busy lifestyles we are all looking for beauty treatments that do not interfere and prevent us from carrying on with life, so you can schedule your treatments to suit your program that will include some ‘me-time’ as well as looking great afterwards