Purchase 2 Imzo Zinsel C Cellu-Scape Bottles and receive the third one free!
ZINSEL C" INCREASES CIRCULATION and carries key essential nutrients to the affected areas. “ZINSEL c” Cellu-Scape contains NIACIN so one can feel slight heat sensation in the affected areas until the body adjusts.
It is a unique combination of Phyto and Micro nutrients, designed to help smooth the lumpy effects of cellulite. This product helps to detoxify the skin by using powerful antioxidants and circulation enhancer's.
Detoxifying allows the body to smooth out uneven skin texture and lumpiness.
Zinsel C works through a combination of highly concentrated ingredients and is foodstate and has an 80% absorption rate.
- Omega 3’s which are extremely important for the brain and nervous system, immune system, cardiovascular system and skin.
- Centella Asiatica which is a natural anti inflammatory and improves overall tone and texture of the skin.
- Horsetail extract which is very important for skin health and is involved with circulation
- OPC's which is a very powerful antioxidant •Dandelion extract which is a natural diuretic to help get rid of excess water retention and together helping to flush toxins.
- Guarana extract which is a natural stimulant to enhances energy levels and increase circulation.
- N-Acetyl - L-Carnitine which produces energy. L- Carnitine transports fat into mitochondria, where the fats are converted to energy. 400 times stronger than Vitamin C and E.
- Alpha lipolic Acid which is one of the most powerful antioxidants which fights off free radical damage and helps to slow down the aging process.
- Ginkgo Biloba which helps with improved cognitive function and helps one top stay focused on their goals
Only effective when used in conjunction with a moderate exercise program and a calorie controlled diet