Millions of women are dissatisfied with the appearance of their bodies. More than 80% of women over the age of 20, regardless of their weight or size, are affected by cellulite. Many of them are managing a healthy lifestyle; yet improving their cellulite seems like an unachievable dream.
Follow these 3 steps to a beautiful confident beach body . Book a treatment now to ensure that the final results are evident in time for December.
#1 Leg toning
Any treatment modality for cellulite and leg toning on its own can make a difference, but in our eyes it’s not sufficient. Cellulite and resistant fat has different forms and grades and thus success needs a combination of treatments that include lymphatic drainage, deep dermal heating for reduction of fat cells , improved circulation to reduce toxins and stretching of the fibres that tether cellulite down.
At Body Renewal- our signature cellulite treatment, 3D Cellulite Solution, combines the following internationally recognized cellulite and toning treatments in an affordable package : Separately each clinical application presents a powerful solution for the most in demand, fastest growing procedures with minimal downtime. By combining these treatments dramatic results can be expected
- Carboxytherapy improves lymphatic drainage of the lower torso and buttock area and reduces toxin build up
- Carboxytherapy into the resistant fat reduces areas of hardened cellulite eg saddle bags
- A Radiofrequency procedure – Accent or Tripollar or Velashape smoothes away lumps and bumps and tightens skin.
- Lipomassage or manual massage untethers the fibrous bands that tie the cellulite down.
- Transdermal mesotherapy stimulates collagen and circulation
- Lipodissolve into resistant fat reduces areas of hardened cellulite eg saddle bags
# 2 Flabby Knee’s
Body Renewal brings you a revolutionary new non surgical treatment that can deliver dramatic results in a short space of time - RAIL-THIN. The RAIL- THIN procedure is an acronym for Radiofrequency Assisted Injection Lipolysis - Thermal Heat Is Nice. Injection lipolysis/Lipodissolve is performed before a RF procedure to diminish localized fat deposits using a natural substance called lecithin also known as PPC (Phosphatidyl choline)
At Body Renewal we are seeing the best results when the 2 procedures viz Radiofrequency RF and Lipodissolve are combined in the same procedure viz RAIL - THIN.
The lecithin dissolves the fat cell wall. Radiofrequency done straight after the injection procedure tightens the lax skin, improves the swelling and improves the long term results. At Body Renewal, we use a combination of Lecithin and award winning growth factors and peptides to stimulate the production of collagen so that the dermis is strengthened and the texture of the skin improved. Both the Lipodissolve and the RF are great for saggy knees.
#3 veins
A large amount of the population are bothered by the appearance of spider veins which are small unsightly red or purple vessels on the surface of the thighs or calves. Spider veins can also be found on the face. They can cover either a very small or very large area of skin.
In Office therapies: In the past, electro cautery has been used to treat these veins but this modality often resulted in intolerable pain and sometimes scarring. Since the advent of lasers, the CoolGlide Excel (Nd:YAG)has been used for the treatment of unwanted small and large veins up to 3 mm in thickness. One to three treatments may be require to achieve an acceptable level of improvement. In 2005, 2006 and 2007, in the USA, the Aesthetic Trends and Technologies Choice Awards™, nominated the Cutera Nd: YAG Cool Glide as the best laser for superficial leg veins for all skin types.