Preserve your youthful countenance!
If I never see another beautiful flawless model advertising something that I know is perfectly useless and will end up at the bottom of some cupboard, it would make me very happy. Besides, their beauty has been electronically enhanced, and I live in the real world.
Jealous? Me? Yes, of course! But I do have a solution…..
As the years pass and our skins are bombarded with the ageing process, pollution, stress, sun and life in general, our bodies become so full of character that you are no longer beautiful and gorgeous, but look good ‘for your age’. Oh, and if you are young and reading this, don’t stop! I’m about to tell you that young or not-so-young-anymore, rejuvenation therapy and skin care should start while you have it all. It’s a savings plan for the future and the dividends paid out later in life are SO worth it.
Continuous care of your skin and body will undoubtedly ensure good results for many years. Daily skin care should start now, whatever your age. If you have large pores, it could be due to genetics or age, and these can be greatly reduced by cleansing with a low-strength topical face wash that contains Alpha, Beta or Poly Hydroxy acid. Exfoliation at home or at the clinic with a Microdermabrasion and Alpha or Beta Hydroxy peels will help minimize pores. Any treatment that helps to increase the collagen content of the dermis will help to improve the skin tone, appearance and pore reduction. Combining these treatments with the use of NeoStrata products at home (available at Skin Renewal Clinics) will, over time, reduce the appearance and size of the pores.
Collagen inducing laser treatments such as Titan®, Laser Genesis™ or Pearl laser that will improve collagen content in the dermis and help reduce the size of the pores are available at Skin Renewal Clinics. Each person is different, and a suitable treatment program will be recommended according to your skin.
For those wrinkles that came to visit and have stayed on without an invitation, there are several treatments as well. As skin ages and loses elasticity, wrinkles start forming in the areas where the skin creases when sleeping, smiling, laughing and talking. For these wrinkles Lamelle™ is one of the most powerful products available. It is an ultra moisturizing renewal cream, and Dermaheal offers the best in anti-ageing and laser-free skin remodeling. It is loaded with different epidermal growth factor which renews cells in the dermis and epidermis. No sensitivity is experienced with Dermaheal, as one would with collagen stimulating products that contains Retin A, and it is suitable for all skin types.
The ultimate aim for skin rejuvenation is to stimulate collagen production. The Anti-ageing Mesoglow facial accomplishes exactly that. The full effect of each treatment takes about 3 months to manifest and it keeps improving over the next 9 months. This transdermal facial uses DEEP™ which uses electrical stimulation and vibration to open up aqueous pores. The active ingredients pass easily into the deep layers of the skin where collagen production is then stimulated.
The overall effect that you can expect will be a reduction in visible sun spots, fine lines and wrinkles and skin will be rehydrated. Sagging skin will be tightened and collagen production stimulated. The overall effect is a tighter, less blemished, more youthful looking skin and over time you will thank yourself for looking after your skin.
The Anti-ageing Mesoglow facial along with home therapy will result in a more beautiful skin. Anything worthwhile doing will take a bit of your time, but the results will be well worth it, and remain worth it for many years to come. There are many older women in the beauty business who are a wonderful example of what consistent skin care can achieve over many years.