“Trout pouts”, and frozen foreheads are out and the desire for “you but better” is not only in, but a global trend that’s growing. This was one of the key takeaways from The Face Conference 2019, the United Kingdom’s Premier medical aesthetic conference, as well as, one of the most prolific in the world. It was attended by The Renewal Institute’s founder, Dr Maureen Allem, CEO Victor Snyders and Dr Lilianna Gilla Lulli.
According to Dr Allem, patients don’t want to just look younger; instead, they want to enhance what already exists to celebrate their every life stage with confidence. “Current aesthetic medicine is about softening lines, not making them disappear. It’s about restoring structure and gentle contouring, rather than overfilling,” she said.
Ageing with grace
Being incredibly aware of how important it is to listen, Skin Renewal have always been mindful of our patients’ wanting a more natural-looking aesthetic. This change was also listed as a top trend at another global symposium (Aesthetic & Anti-ageing Medicine World Congress (AMWC) held in Monte Carlo 2018). It was here that an international survey was done among doctors attending the conference, including Dr Allem. Results revealed that 85% of patients are currently undergoing any aesthetic treatment, and that they all desire a result that’s striking yet subtle.
Happily, the desire for natural beauty is also a natural fit for Skin Renewal’s ethos which has always highlighted the importance of ageing with grace. While there was once a time when ‘ageing gracefully’ was associated with letting oneself go, it’s now aligned with delaying, as well as, reversing the signs of ageing. All done in a way that allows you to look like the very best version of yourself - nobody else - for as long as possible.
Time to refine
One of the many ways Skin Renewal can help you look refreshed as opposed to re-worked is via dermal fillers and botulinum toxin applied in the MD Codes™ method. Developed by one of the world’s most respected aesthetic doctors, Dr Mauricio de Maio, his method is a finite guide for a series of injection points. These points address present signs of ageing while also acting preventively. The method is based on a much deeper understanding of facial anatomy. It addresses the issue at hand as well as the underlying cause and considers the face as a whole. As a result, some treatments might initially require more injection points, but if the new look is maintained, less treatment will be necessary for the future. It’s the perfect solution to a highly sustainable and very natural look that can stave off the desire for a more invasive treatment later on.
Another non-invasive way Skin Renewal can help you create a subtle yet striking improvement is via the use of PDO threads. These medical-grade dissolvable sutures, if strategically placed, can create an immediate lift. It’s a brilliant solution to sagging brows and jowls and can even be used to perform a non-surgical nose job. Better yet, while the sutures eventually dissolve, their effects can linger because their very placement stimulates the creation of new collagen.
Threads aren’t the only way we’re helping patients rejuvenate in a way that looks natural. We’re also able to perform non-surgical eye lifts using our cutting-edge Jett Plasma device. Developed in the Czech Republic, it emits a safe, high voltage charge between its tip and the treated area. This causes the skin to immediately contract, creating an instant lift that also triggers collagen production, so the results improve over time. All this without the need for a knife!
The bottom line
Gone are the days where medical aesthetic procedures were considered unnecessary vanity. Today, they're a way to prevent the signs of premature ageing in a way that can delay the desire for traditional surgery later on. They're also a fantastic way to ensure you age gracefully, always looking like the best version of yourself, as opposed to someone else, or going "over the top".
If you’d like to discover the confidence that comes with looking like “you, but better”, make an appointment to see one of our highly trained Skin Renewal doctor’s today.