It's normal to lose up to 100 hairs a day but seeing strands fall out after washing or brushing your hair (or even just running your fingers through) is worrying. And wondering why you’re shedding hair may feel even more frightening. What’s the deal with hair loss? And why does it happen even if there seems no reason for you to lose hair all of sudden? Here are some reasons – and treatments –why you may be shedding more than normal right now.
So, what is the root cause…
Your hair has three distinct cycles namely anagen, catagen, and telogen. Losing hair is natural and once old hair is shed (the exogen phase), new hair should be ready to take its place.
When you suddenly notice a difference – in other words, extra hair growth or more than normal hair loss – this is very often a result of a hormonal imbalance.
And, it’s the same for men and women; dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a by-product of testosterone is the culprit. As part of your journey to a beautiful head of locks Skin Renewal's medical doctors are able to run blood diagnostic analysis to establish what is going on with your hormones and your health and what is essentially resulting in your hair loss.
Hair Loss and COVID19
The side effects of the pandemic seem to be unending and one cannot deny that the pandemic has caused many health burdens, and one such struggle is hair loss. In fact, it’s now been identified as one of the top 15 side effects of COVID19. Losing hair in this challenging time can be either as a result of contracting the disease or from the enormous stress felt by living through a pandemic.
Stress has always been a real issue with causing hair to thin, and so if it’s affected you in past, watch your levels carefully now. Supplement support such as a good quality multi-vitamin and mineral and Vitamin D can give the body what it may lack during this time. And vitamin D is especially good for hair loss, as it’s known to stimulate new and old hair follicles. If you’re recovering from COVID19, these nutraceuticals along with treatments can really ramp up hair regrowth.
Skin Renewal boasts an extensive range of supplements created by the Skin renewal medical team using the highest quality ingredients. As such your Skin Renewal doctor will not only be able to recommend the best course of treatment but assist you in selecting much needed supplementation.
Treatments for Hair Loss
Once you have established the cause for your hair loss and selected supplementation there are a variety of treatments which Skin Renewal can offer you.
Restoring proper blood flow to the scalp is advantageous as new blood vessels can then be made. Skin Renewal doctors are mindful that the body has the ability to heal itself. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a form of regenerative medicine in which injections, of a concentration of your own platelets, are made on your scalp. This process and the needling which makes thousands of entry points will re-energise the hair follicle and stimulate collagen. This means stopping further hair loss and encouraging more growth. Take things a step further with adding hair growth factors and vitamins or carboxytherapy to further boost circulation.
Remember, apart from your hormones, stress and the current battle with COVID19, there are other tough challenges that can hurt our hair. From medication to lack of nutrition and also our genes, this health issue can get tricky. Boosting your system with an IV cocktail infusion specifically for hair loss and growth gives your body that extra support it needs when your strands aren’t as strong as usual.
With the right wellbeing approach, your hair can look beautiful again. Here’s to getting it on a healthiest track once more.