Confused about how your regime switches up on workout days?
Well, perhaps it may be easier to think of it like: some skincare products can affect your skin more than others when you sweat. So, which are the ones to use to get the best results when exercising? The secret lies going back to basics – oh, and always wearing sunscreen that you can never escape. Never.
We share how to get the best out of your products when exercising - When Skincare meets Sweat
Yours in great skin,
The Online Skin Shop Team

NeoStrata Smooth Surface Glycolic Peel is a brand new addition to the resurfacing range. You can now have the benefits of a chemical peel in the comfort of your home.

High Potency Vit D3 provides essential immune as well as antioxidant support. The benefits of this essential nutrient are endless, and may assist to keep your bones strong, heart and brain healthy and enhance the immune system. It also may assist the body to regulate inflammation.