You’ve just shared your latest run on Strava, and you’re feeling fantastic. As you log tomorrow’s route, think about this morning’s skincare routine – or rather, lack of it! Confused about how your regime switches up on workout days? Well, perhaps it may be easier to think of it like this: some skincare products can affect your skin more than others when you sweat. So, which are the ones to use to get the best results when exercising? The secret lies in going back to basics – oh, and always wearing sunscreen that you can never escape. Never.
Here’s our best advice:
Wash Before You Workout
Guilty of going to bed with your make-up on at night? If you exercise immediately after waking up, you’ll never skip cleansing your skin again. Why should you always wash the skin at night is simple: it removes makeup, oil, dirt, and debris collected during the day. This step also preps the skin for night treatment products like serums and night creams. And the night is when skin does its essential renewal and repair work – specifically from 11 pm and midnight. So think of that as your window. Imagine you miss that and then add an early morning Boot Camp class to the mix. As you sweat, your pores will open to help regulate your temperature. And any grime that is already on your face will seep in. As you start to cool down, the skin begins to reabsorb any dirt – potentially causing acne, dehydration and skin irritation. The solution is straightforward: invest in that cleanser. If you’re working out later in the day, be sure to remove makeup and dirt, using lighter products that won’t clog your pores.
Serious Skincare After Exercise
After your gruelling mountain bike ride, get your skincare routine on. The only part of your regime that you should do pre-exercise is SPF, but the rest can wait. Why leave the serums and moisturisers alone? It might not have had a chance to penetrate into the skin properly, and you may sweat it all off – so bye-bye investment.
SPF Comes Standard
While the intensity of UV rays is greatly reduced early morning and late afternoon, South Africa’s high solar ultraviolet radiation levels mean health risks. The answer? Sunscreen. A factor 50 reapplied regularly to all sun-exposed areas of skin is a must. And check out different screens for different needs or skin conditions. Acne or pimple-prone skin? Go for an oil-free SPF. Want to address ageing concerns and even out skin tone? There’s sunscreen for that!
Enjoy getting your exercise on this year – it’s so good for you. And so good for your skin. Think of all the oxygen and nutrients it’s delivering to your complexion! With just a few tweaks, your skincare routine can really boost the look and feel of your face so that your workout and products equal skin bliss.
Read the full January 2022 Online Skin Shop Newsletter here!