Did you know that the human body is home to trillions of micro-organisms? Well, now you do. Fact is, these trillions of micro-organisms outnumber our human cells. One of their many jobs is looking after your skin’s health – balancing your skin’s pH levels, reinforcing your skin’s natural barrier against harmful bacteria, and even protecting against skin cancer. So, it’s no wonder the skincare industry is looking to make your morning and night lotions and potions microbe-friendly.
The Harsh Truth
If you’re old enough to be at the point that you see your skincare as an investment, not a spend, chances are you were raised – and taught in your teens – to scrub thoroughly with antibacterial soaps and gels until your skin was ‘clean’ or germ-free. But, the truth is, healthy skin needs some germs, the good ones. If your skin is dry or prone to breakouts, eczema, rosacea or psoriasis, it’s likely because something in your skincare regime is stripping your skin of its healthy bacteria. Simply put, if your skin is looking stressed, its natural bacteria ecosystem is off balance.
Enter Probiotics
Suppose you’re no stranger to probiotics in your diet, either your favourite yoghurt or a supplement you take within your daily vitamin mix. In that case, it won’t come as a surprise that one of the biggest trends – and a buzzword – in the aesthetics industry right now is ‘probiotic skincare’. Because it makes sense that if a cleanser can strip your skin of healthy bacteria, a microbe-friendly cleanser can also protect and promote beneficial bacteria.
A (skin) friend with benefits
In addition to optimising your skin’s ability to heal itself, skincare products that include probiotics help our skin form a protective shield to kick harmful bacteria to the curb. This means reducing inflammation, combatting the signs of premature ageing and more. Recent studies have shown that probiotics go a long way to restore acne-prone skin to its acne-free glory by keeping acne-causing bacteria levels where they should be.
Not all probiotic skincare is created equal
As we said, probiotic skincare is a trend, which means seemingly everyone with a face mist, cleanser, serum or moisturiser is jumping on the bandwagon. We’re not saying discard the trend; we’re saying be discerning and make educated choices. Just as you need the right probiotics for your body, you need probiotics for your face. Please speak to one of our Skin Renewal therapists the next time you pop into one of our 18 branches to find out how we can make the probiotic skincare trend work for you.
Keen to try the probiotics trend? Here are some PRO tips…
You need to know that probiotic skincare products are more high-maintenance than some of your other ‘glow-getting’ favourites. As most have a six-month expiration date after opening, store in a cool environment is critical. Some may even require a dedicated spot in your fridge to extend their shelf-life. Be sure to read the instructions on the packaging carefully.
And, while you’re figuring out what to ‘add to cart’…
Here are three ways to give your skin’s microbiome the TLC it deserves:
- Scrub less, nourish more. Use a gentle, pH-balanced cleanser daily – morning and night – and exfoliate twice a week, or only when you feel your skin needs it.
- You trust your gut; now take care of it. Think gut-friendly, fermented foods and beverages like kombucha, miso, kefir, yoghurt and sauerkraut, and consider an oral probiotic supplement to ensure you’re feeding your skin from the inside out.
- Fibre is your skin’s BFF. Oats, barley, asparagus, leeks and other plant-based, fibre-rich foods are a fantastic source of prebiotics – giving the good bacteria in your gut the boost it needs.