Dark skin exudes a certain rich vibrancy when healthy and clear. Winter is the perfect time to treat all the dark skin conditions that rob you of that vibrant glow.
People of colour represent a significant and growing group of patients. This is mainly because of the increased awareness of safe and affordable aesthetic procedures. Some of these procedures include chemical peels like Cosmelan and Dermamelan peels to treat wrinkles, oily skin and various forms of pigmentation, as well as amazing new lasers such as the Cutera Titan and Laser Genesis procedures that offer safe and exceptional skin rejuvenation, hair removal and skin tightening results. All these treatments have minimal discomfort and downtime.
Dark skins are not only different to lighter skins in colour, but they also differ physiologically and structurally. Due to these differences darker skins need to be treated differently and with care. These patients would be well advised to consult with a medical doctor with experience in treating skin of colour to prevent unwanted effects such as full thickness burns, permanent scarring and post inflammatory hyperpigmentation if the incorrect treatment is given.
As each patient's case is different we will tailor a treatment program specifically for your circumstances and budget. A highly professional team led by a medical doctor assesses every patient and an appropriate combination treatment together with long term maintenance program is recommended.
Common dark skin conditions include:
- Stretchmarks
- Lax skin
- Acne Scarring
- Acne
- DPN (Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra)
- Hormonal Pigmentation
- Sagging skin
- Wrinkles
- Rough Texture
- Dull complexion
Our innovative new treatment settings for the Laser Genesis procedure have dramatically improved our results for more difficult to treat skin problems such as skin laxity, scars and stretch marks.
Sagging skin and collagen stimulation can be treated with an infrared light treatments such as Titan and radiofrequency treatments such as Accent that safely heat up the dermis in all skin types to cause an immediate tightening effect and collagen stimulation down the line.
Acne mainly affects the face, neck, upper trunk, shoulders and proximal arms. We offer in office therapies for acne as well as topical treatments which include Lamelle Clarity ™, Neostrata and Nimue acne ranges as well as Antibiotics and prescription medicines if indicated.
Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN) are benign growths that occur frequently in dark skin due to photo ageing. These clusters of small seborrheic keratosis, is prominently located on the face, neck and upper trunk of both men and women. They are small, brown or black bumps that are sometimes mistaken for moles. A combination of heredity, ageing and exposure to the sun are factors in the development of DPNs.
Pigmentation such as melasma and post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) can be treated with the use of the long pulsed Nd Yag laser or Laser Genesis procedures that are safe to use on all dark skin types. The Laser Genesis procedure gently heats up the dermis, causing cavitation bubbles, which disrupt the unwanted dermal pigment, breaking it into smaller particles which are able to move upward to the epidermis where it can be easily removed with exfoliation.
You can expect to see subtle yet consistent results after each treatment, without unwanted side effects such as swelling, redness or excessive skin irritation. Treatments can be performed in a relaxed, comfortable manner without the use of topical anaesthetics or gel.
The effects of each treatment is accumulative meaning that the results of each previous treatment is improved with each additional treatment and the best results come down the line when new collagen that is stimulated remodels and a further tightening effect is noticed.
At Skin Renewal, with combination treatments every 2 weeks, in 3 months we can take almost any skin to the next level: luminous, smooth and tight!