Top Tips to stay Beautiful
We live in sunny South Africa, and most of our lives revolve around living outdoors, okay, maybe just on the patio, but it is outside. Holidays are planned around the pleasure of having hot summer weather, whether it is in the bush, at a fancy resort, at the seaside or just around the pool at home. Thus it is not easy to look after our skin and body at all times, but there are always ways and means of limiting the damage.
1. Sun damaged skin
It’s actually quite simple. Stay out of the sun during the hottest time of the day. Besides, you are on holiday and that would be the ideal time to have a nap or relax with a good book. When you do go into the sun, make sure you wear a hat, a long sleeved shirt and apply a good sunblock to your face and body.
Oh, and I do mean a good sunblock – don’t walk down the aisle looking for the ‘best buy’ and the best price. A product like Heliocare provides full protection from UVA and UVB rays and is a good buy at any price.
2. Exercise
So the entire year you have been going to the gym on a regular basis, and that new swimsuit is looking goooood! You are ready to be admired and then…. the parties, the cocktails, drinks and all the yummy food start overwhelming your good routine and intentions!
The answer is fairly simple – find time to exercise! Or make it fun time with the kids and plan exercises that will keep the whole family fit. The fitter you stay during the holiday means the less you are going to battle the bulge when you get back to normal everyday life.
3. Eating Healthy
On holiday the rigorous routine of eat, work and sleep doesn’t quite work, because the living is quite a bit easier and laid back!
So take it easy on the rich food and wine and avoid the snacking where possible. Order fresh food and salads. Eat veggies raw and rather use lemon juice to flavour than creamy dressings.
Alcohol should always be used in moderation. Alternate each drink with a glass of water or a diet cold drink. Believe me, you will feel the difference in your skin as well as your body the next morning.
4. Dry Skin
Sun, salt water or chlorinated water tends to dry one’s skin quite severely. This can create fine lines and wrinkles if not treated or controlled.
Always wear a good quality sunscreen to prevent dehydration, drink enough water and do not skimp on a good body moisturiser or neglect daily facial care. If you are not sure, ask the professionals at the Skin Renewal clinics for the best care and products that you can use during summer.
5. Feet
There is nothing pretty about feet that looks neglected. Dry, cracked heels are ugly, they hurt and will get worse if not treated. Because you are wearing open sandals, slops or going barefoot, feet will need daily attention.
While on holiday there is enough time to soak your feet for some time to hydrate the skin. Rub the heels of your feet gently with a pumice stone to remove dead skin. Then lather on some petroleum jelly and put on clean socks until it has been absorbed.
6. Cellulite
Most of us have it. If you start off with normal body weight, you are less likely to be severely affected. Follow a proper diet with all the good stuff like fresh fruit and vegetables, lots of water, little salt and fat, don’t overload on the coffee and alcohol. Then you are off to a good start already. Best of all, when you get back from holiday, make an appointment at your favourite Skin Renewal clinic for some cellulite treatment if it is still bothering you. Most of the advice on the above tips would also be good advice to keep cellulite under control!
7. Healthy Looking Skin
Everything that has been said in the above tips applies here. In addition you may want to try a cleansing and detox program just before the holiday and then again afterwards. So to summarise – don’t neglect your skin routine, keep your body and facial skin well hydrated.
8. Final tip
The best tip of them all – enjoy the holiday, rest well and once you get home, the Skin Renewal Clinics will be there to help repair and rejuvenate any damage that might have been done. Remember good skin care starts with you; the professionals can only aid you in your beauty quest.