Stress – The Silent Killer

Stress – The Silent Killer

Stress can be short-term or long-term, and our bodies are influenced by the time of exposure to chronic stress hormones. This can lead to preventable health issues such as blood pressure, inflammation, lung disease, psychological problems and sleep disorders.

We often forget that stress leads to premature ageing and even changes in the skin such as eczema and pigmentation. Managing these conditions depends as much on stress management, as on treatment of these symptoms. For this reason, our Health Renewal teams work closely with our Skin Renewal teams to manage these conditions.

How common is stress?

A recent study (conducted by Bloomsberg), revealed that South Africa is the second most stressed country in the world! Every day, an estimated 21 South Africans commit suicide and stress could be a significant contributing factor.

How Do You Identify Stress?

Psychological Signs

  • Inability to concentrate or make simple decisions
  • Memory lapses and becoming rather vague
  • Negative thinking
  • Depression & anxiety

Emotional Signs

  • Tearful, irritable, defensive
  • Mood swings
  • Feeling out of control
  • Lack of motivation
  • Angry and frustrated
  • Lack of confidence

Physical Signs

  • Aches, pains, muscle tension, grinding teeth
  • Frequent colds, infections
  • Allergies, rashes, skin irritations
  • Constipation, diarrhoea, IBS
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Indigestion, heartburn, ulcers
  • Dizziness, palpitations
  • Panic attacks, nausea
  • Menstrual changes, loss of libido
  • Heart problems, high blood pressure

How Can Health Renewal Help?

Because of their effects on the immune system, stress hormones impact the development and severity of many different diseases and bodily systems. In some instances, stress causes existing conditions to worsen. In other cases, stress seems to be a major factor creating vulnerability to developing new conditions in the first place.

The Doctors at Health Renewal all take a functional and holistic approach to helping patients deal with stress. The approach is not a "one size fits all", but rather a tailor-made plan for each individual, based on their needs.

The treatment options can include anything from:

  • Recommended oral products and supplements
  • Alternative stress management strategies

  • Ozone therapy
  • Sleep studies and recommended treatments based on the outcome of your study results
  • Brain mapping and training
  • Blood tests, hair analysis and gene testing to help diagnose potential problems.
  • At Home Stress Management

There are a few practical things everyone should strive to make time for:

  • Move your body frequently—don't sit for more than an hour
  • Make positive face-to-face connections with other people a priority
  • When you can't change the stressor, learn to avoid, alter, adapt or accept
  • Reduce your intake of alcohol, nicotine and caffeine
  • Do something you enjoy every day
  • Get all the restful sleep that you need to feel your best.
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