Brain Survey

Stress can influence your brain, the way you process information and cope with daily activities.

Although stress is a natural part of modern life, caused by traffic, work deadlines, stress at home and more, long term effects can include anxiety, sleeplessness and memory loss.

Our Brain Survey in November revealed that on a daily basis 11.3% of respondents feel anxious, fearful, uneasy, worried and concerned with racing thoughts and 35.8% feel the same on a weekly basis.

Over 40% of respondents display symptoms of headaches, lethargy, laziness, drowsiness, sluggishness and fatigue regular monthly basis.

Does this sound familiar to you? Then a brain mapping and training sessions from Brain Renewal might just be the solution. Book now, before you start a new year with new challenges.

Read more about brainmapping and the benefits of brain training.

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