For every beauty concern (or criticism) you can name, there’s a surgical option, a cream and a non-invasive procedure that’ll hit your sweet spot. The trick is in deciding what to tackle first, right? When it comes to complexion perfection. What’s best for your skin might not suit everyone, so never be put off with a treatment that’s not quite the same as someone else’s. Embrace the unique skin journey that will be created for you, giving you the best bang for your buck and will leave your friends asking, “what’s different?”. At Skin Renewal, we create bespoke treatments that solve concerns and ensure that you become the best version of yourself.
It’s tricky and somewhat unrealistic to expect everything from just one visit with your aesthetic doctor (no matter how much we want that magic wand). However, targeting key areas of the face with smart overhaul therapies that suit your specific needs is the difference between just another non-invasive treatment versus a unique program (without the surgery)! Here are three top targeted treatments that you are going to want to add to that wish list:
1). FOR THE FACE: PRP Vampire Rejuvenation
Don’t let the name fool you; although blood is involved, it’s your own, and there is nothing to be scared about. Have you ever heard of PRP? It’s an acronym for Platelet Rich Plasma (fancy); this therapy is known to be an age fighter and super rejuvenating. It restores proper blood flow to parts that need it most., meaning that your skin gets the good stuff (blood circulation)from both inside and out (your growth factors). The PRP is also called liquid gold, thanks to the high concentrations of platelets and at least seven growth factors(precious indeed). Once injected into your skin through a technique called mesotherapy or skin needling, the platelets speed up your skin’s normal response to healing. It’s this regenerative boost that adds to your glow, restores volume and puts the bounce back into your skin.
Watch video here: The Vampire Facial - A Sneak Peak

2). FOR THE EYES: Jett Plasma Eyelid Rejuvenation
Eyelids are often neglected despite being a significant contributor to that hangdog or droopy look. A fabulous non-invasive option that focuses on the eye area is the Jett Plasma Eyelid Rejuvenation. Rather than a dramatic scalpel; the plasma pen emits a charge which leaves little dots behind. These microdots cause tightening and collagen creation. In other words, the “heat” produced does all the work without any cutting and stitching. But, do be warned there is some definite downtime (about a week). So now’s the time to subscribe to Netflix and get ready to chill while your eyelids do the same.
Watch video here: The Jett Plasma Eyelid Rejuvenation

3). FOR THE NECK: Profhilo
If your neck is giving your age away, it’s time to overhaul it – no. not with any nips or tucks - bio-remodelling but rather Profhilo. This groundbreaking new technology allows a specially formulated hyaluronic acid to seep under the skin, filling spaces and restoring plumpness (volume) where it’s needed most – clever, right? Best of all, it stimulates collagen and elastin production to keep the skin firm, taut and smooth. Say hello to hydrated, youthful skin and wave goodbye to that crepey chicken neck.
Watch video here: What is Profhilo Bio-remodeling?

Still unsure whether non-invasive treatments are your smartest skin solutions? The proof is in the results. Yes, you can treat, heal and maintain younger-looking and healthy skin with these innovative therapies. We look forward to creating your skin care journey.