Firstly it is important to note that for most of the concerns or conditions mentioned below, treatment is always much more effective if we are combining the in-clinic treatments with proper health management.
So in some cases, it is imperative that you incorporate both Skin and Body treatments along with the advice and input of a Health Renewal doctor so that we can target the issue from both inside and out.
The top 5 concerns seen in-clinic:
- Adult Acne
- Pigmentation and sun damage
- Scarring
- Rosacea
- Wrinkles and crepey skin
Adult Acne:
If the skin reacts with acne or pimples, it is telling you that something is not functioning optimally inside the body.
Here is what we can do in-clinic:
- Chemical Peel - Peels for acne patients include the Beta Salicylic Acid peel, Azelan peel and Modified Ferullic Peel - depending on skin type and budget.
- Laser Genesis - A five in one treatment reduces the size of the sebaceous gland, which eliminates inflammation, reduces pore size, improves acne scarring and pigmentation.
- Carboxytherapy - is the injection of tiny amounts of CO2 gas, which stimulates a healing response and helps to heal nodules and active acne by destroying the bacteria in the lesions.
Pigmentation and sun damage:
There are different types of pigmentation including hormonal pigmentation, superficial hyperpigmentation and dermal pigmentation. So pigmentation needs very specific investigation before embarking on a treatment plan and, in most cases, this includes assistance from a Health Renewal doctor as well as topical treatment.
The treatment of sun damage will be dependent on the severity and depth of the damage:
- Fraxelâ„¢ DUAL incorporates two lasers in one and shows results in as little as 2-3 treatments. The addition of the 1927 Thulium laser ensures that all forms of pigmentation and precancerous skin lesions can be treated, while the 1550nm restore wavelength targets skin texture and improve deep lines and acne scars, as well as the treatment of sun damage and pigmentation with hardly any downtime.
Scarring occurs when the skin is cut or broken, and the body naturally mobilises a process to repair the wound.
Many scars eventually fade, but depending on the severity of the wound, some don't go away completely. The larger and deeper the wound, the longer it takes to heal and the greater the chance of a visible scar.
- Carboxytherapy - This provides a surge of oxygen and nutrients to the treated area and improves circulation, resulting in cell restoration. The increased blood flow stimulates collagen, which allows the scar to heal.
- Skin Needling (Dermapen) - During the treatment, the Dermapen is gently moved over the skin creating what the body perceives as "mini wounds". This stimulates the release of growth factors that trigger the production of collagen and elastin, which is all part of the healing process. This new, fresh collagen remodels over time, resulting in an improvement of the treated area.
- Pearl Rejuvenation - The Pearl Laser has a computer guided scanning device that can be programmed to remove specific layers of tissue uniformly. Depending on the depth, treatments can range from being mild to very aggressive. A variety of conditions can be treated ranging from age spots, to deep wrinkles and scars.
Rosacea is an inflammatory skin disease that causes facial redness and sensitivity. The problem with rosacea is that it is a progressive disease and it can worsen over time. It tends to occur in cycles and flares up every couple of weeks or months and then reduces again.
The cause of rosacea is unknown but is probably a combination of both hereditary and environmental factors.
- Laser Genesis - This is a five in one treatment, it reduces inflammation and strengthens the skin.
- Peels - Azelaic Acid Peels (Azelan Peel) have proven to be very effective in treating rosacea.
Rosacea has a huge linkage with hypochloremia (low stomach acid), therefore we prefer doing gut restoration hand in hand with the different treatments to improve the outcome.
Wrinkles and crepey skin:
Even though there are treatments that instantly change the appearance of lines and wrinkles (such as Botulinum Toxin, Dermal Fillers and Threads), it is recommended that you also focus on the condition of your skin to maintain a youthful appearance.
There are many treatments that increase the skin cell turnover, such as superficial chemical peels, skin needling, carboxytherapy, laser treatments and most recently, the Vampire Facial.